We all know that your PowerPoint slides should not be the main focus of a presentation & that they should be used to complement you, the speaker.

However, what if your slides are for example part of an online course or workshop?

What if your slides need to contain bullet points to get the message across to your audience?

This quick step-by-step guide shows you how to “jazz” up your normal standard bullet points by using SmartArt – I hope you find it useful.

Firstly select the text box that contains your bullet points…

select text box in PowerPoint

Go to the Home tab on the ribbon and click on Convert to SmartArt in the Paragraph section…

convert to smartart

Click on a graphic that you like and your bullet points will change…

Smartart graphics

You can change the colours by clicking on Design under SmartArt Tools and then Change Colours (make sure the graphic is selected first)…

change colours


Final slide

And that’s it! A really quick and easy way to “jazz” up your bullet points list in PowerPoint.

If you have any questions with the above, or would like to discuss how I can help YOU in your coaching practice please get in touch.